Harry Potter movie review
Harry Potter is a series of seven fictional novels written by J.K Rowling. The books tell the story of the adventures of Harry Potter, a teenage student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wisdom, and his close friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Grancher. It tells the story of a fight between Voldemort and Harry, the evil sorcerer who kills Harry's parents during their quest to conquer the magical world and then the Muggle (non - magical) world.
From the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (published in 1997) to the first novel in the series, all the books in the series have garnered worldwide acclaim, critical acclaim and financial gain, but the dark style of the novels has led to criticism. Movies, video games and other items related to the series have been released. As of June 2011, a total of 45 million copies of the series' seven books have been sold, and the series has been translated into 67 languages. The seventh and final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was released on July 21, 2007.
Although it is a series of novels in a variety of genres (epic, magical, adventurous, euphoric, fictional), they have many socio-cultural meanings, and Rowling makes it clear that the ultimate meaning is death. The series also aims at prejudice and corruption.
The success of these novels made Rowling one of the highest-paid novelists in history.
So far, Warner Bros. has released the first seven books of the series in eight full-length films. The sixth film, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, was released on July 15, 2009. The seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has been released in two films. The first film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, was released in India on November 19, 2010 and on other days in November (11th to 26th worldwide.) The second film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, was released in July 2011.
A number of tie-in products have been released in connection with the Harry Potter series. Including them, the value of the Harry Potter brand is 1500 15 billion (US $ 24 billion). Harry Potter has also been used to design a theme park. The park is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on Universal Parks & Resorts' Island of Adventure.
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